Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Why Technology Means a Lot to Me

          Ever since I could remember I would always find some way to have fun with an object. Toys were of course my favorite, but I always liked to play little games with sticks, rocks, and even small plants like blades of grass. What I never expected was that one of the things that gave me the most entertainment in my life so far was technology. But what is it about technology that makes it so fun for me, especially since most of the things I do with technology isn't even physically there.

          What I enjoyed most about technology as a little kid was that it gave me an opportunity to learn. I learned a lot more from the television at the time then I did in Preschool. I learned shapes, colors, animals, and even learn some more vocabulary that got me ahead of the other students. I learned how to count, spell, and it even expanded my imagination. After watching certain shows, the television inspired me to try new things like cooking; I remember making my first egg sandwich at 5 years old because I saw it on TV. I also got introduced into cartoons from the television which got me into animation and drawing. To this day I still like watching cartoons as they not only entertain me, but also give me inspiration to try new drawing styles and draw new things.

          Another thing I like about technology is that they actually helped me not be alone. As an outcast, I find it hard to make friends or find someone who shares the same interests as me. This always led me to feel lonely and depressed. However it's a little different when I go online. Online, I can easily find people who are just like me and possibly make friends with them. To them, I'm not a “weirdo” or some “misfit,” I'm actually another person just like them. I know that since it's still society it's not perfect and there will always be some jerk online bringing people down but I still managed to make a lot more friends online and have more fun than in person. Although people might say that the person I'm talking to online “doesn't even exist,” I don't think that's the case. To me, social networks are just another way of finding people, an easier way I should say. The things you do with that person on the other side of the screen is just as nice or as harmful as it would be in person. Social networks is real life to me, because I'm still talking to an actual human being who just happens to like the same things as me.

          The last thing I enjoy the most about technology is the gaming side of it. I love games; I've loved it ever since I was little. I played all kinds of games but video games became my absolute favorite kind. It's a little hard to explain but games do for me; not only do they entertain me, but they also educate me and allow me to make new friends. I learned certain facts from gaming such as how certain farm crops grow and what seasons they grow in; I learned how to take care of a dog and how demanding they can be for attention; I learned that you shouldn't try to do everything alone because that's what friends are for. Games have taught me so much that I can't even name them all or recall learning certain facts from them. Games have also given me new friends. I could play games online and meet new people there who love games too; I could help them out when they needed to be healed and they would help me in return; we would start talking about ourselves and then became friends who would play with each other every time we came online in the game. Games gave me knowledge, friends and new perspectives on life. To me, they are like portals to another world where I can go into the shoes of my character and explore their world through their eyes. Games have given me inspiration because of how interesting their worlds are and they even inspired me to start making games as well when I grow up.

          I understand that not everyone has a bright view on technology but they have given us many great things. Not only are they convenient, but they have made another way for us to learn, communicate, and entertain ourselves and other; they have allowed us to help others without physically being there and by doing so, help us become closer. Every person has their own opinion and each person uses technology in some way, but I love technology and it makes me who I am today.

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